Sunday, April 28, 2013

Our Week!

Bryan has gotten into Crossfit, as have I, but also because I have auto-immune issues, the lifestyle I lead directly impacts how I feel every day. Too much junk food, not enough sleep, and high levels of stress, and skipping the gym all help dictate how I feel. I need to be better about posting pictures and links, but for now writing things out help hold me accountable. :) Here's what's on our table this week! I typically only plan for four days, because without fail something comes up (like car trouble last week) that makes us eat out once a week!

Monday - Veggie Stir Fry
(It seems we eat this a lot, but it's an easy go to meal, packed with veggies. My family loves it and I do too!)
Tuesday - Steaks on the grill and veggies or a salad on the side
I'll modify this a little bit for our boys, they'll eat fruit and maybe some cheese or yogurt along side the meat and veggies.
Wednesday - Tortilla soup with shredded chicken, avacado, and pico.
This will be too spicy for our boys, so they'll most likely have leftovers from the night before, or something I've previously frozen.
Thursday - Breakfast for dinner! Bryan and I will have eggs in nests with bacon and avacado, and probably some fruit. They boys will have the same, only they'll probably want some pancakes. I'm good with that, because they always get sweet potoates hidden in their pancakes! ;)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Meal plan for the week

Here's what's on my family's table this week:

Chicken Stir Fry
Spaghetti with whole wheat pasta
Kabobs on the grill with veggies and salad
Leftovers, orzo salad with cucumbers, feta, and tomatoes

It's April, and summer will be here soon!  One of my goals for the summer is to have healthy snacks readily available for our boys.  Lots of swimming goes on around here, which means hungry boys!  I plan to order some homeade smoothie holders so my boys can pull them our of the freezer.  Quality deli meats, cheese, yogurt, fruit, and whole wheat crackers will all be staples.    I'll post more on that soon!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Off the bandwagon

After a weekend with my oldest at Pine Cove, I can surely say that I fell off the bandwagon.  A rushed schedule led to stops at fast food joints, camp was full of food that I didn't care for, and that left me grabbing for the cheetos.  Swollen joints, sleepless nights, and fatigue all set in.  With that being said, there are and will be times that it can't be avoided.  Now that I'm home, diet is back on the radar and I'm moving forward.  This week will contain lots of dinners off the grill, and salads.  Time to get back on the bandwagon!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Eating Clean

I've done really well eating clean, and feel so much better!  It's amazing to me how much eating clean can take away many ailments!  One website I love is  Although I avoid bread, I eat whole grain when I do.  She does the same.  She has great ideas on school lunches for kids as well.  That's a goal I have for myself this summer -- tackling the kids.  While my kids are fairly good eaters, it is me that chooses what to put on their plate.  I want to do better about having lots of choices on hand that they like and ones I feel good about.  This takes preparation and planning on my part.  I need more hours in the day!  ;)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Tomorrow's the day!

Easter has come and gone, and so has the junk food in our house!  Time to regroup, throw out the candy, and get serious.  Starting tomorrow I'm making myself take 6 weeks away from sugar, processed foods, and as many grains as possible.  My joints will hurt less, my muscles won't ache, and believe it or not, I'll sleep better at night!  Nothing to lose!  Here's to 6 weeks of health -- followed by summer heat, which always makes me want to snack on fruit and summer salads!